Lee APP NOE Sizing Tray

Lee APP NOE Sizing Tray


Update. I ordered more bushings, so rather than use two 4-hole trays, I made an 8-hole version. Hi All, I've been enjoying my Lee APP, and it is especially useful for resizing brass and cast bullets. One of the options available to resize bullets is an APP adapter offered by NOE Bullet Moulds. (https://noebulletmolds.com/site/shop/lee_products/lee-app/app-adapter-for-using-noe-bushings) You can buy bushings for the precise diameter the size the bullets. I wanted to have a neat, organized, and handy way to keep the adapter and bushings, so I designed this. I made a four and six hole version, and I'm sure it can be expanded to more. Just PM me if you want the SCAD.



