Hotend Fan Cage for SW-200 and compatables

Hotend Fan Cage for SW-200 and compatables


A printable hotend fan cage for the Sooway Sw-200 made from remixing the following Things: "Ender 3 Noctua NF-A4x20 FLX stock type hot end" by zuch95701 (the base for the cage) "Yet Another Ender 3 BLTouch Mount Remix" by gercole (the base for the BL Touch mount) I modified the designs a bit to match the SW-200's hotend mounting plate, as the screw holes seem to be slightly different from the Ender 3. For the fan cage, I made the walls about 3mm thick to increase strength and widened the blower fan's wall to allow the heater block wiring to come in from either side with no trouble and to make both the cooling fan duct and the cooling fan easier to install. All screw holes for the fans are self-tapping, just make sure the screws go in straight and don't overtighten them, especially the cooling fan screws! The necessary supports will make the flaps for mounting to the hotend plate really rough looking, so some additional post-processing and cleanup will likely be required there. Otherwise, this works beautifully. The mounting holes may need to be moved or otherwise modified to make this fit other printers. There are two versions, one with a mount for the BL Touch, and one without. I have widened the center hole to allow the BL Touch's pin height to be adjusted via the grub screw., or to remove the screw to replace the pin. Edit: I have added a V2 of the normal hotend fan cage. This has thicker walls on the main attachment plate where you screw it into the X-axis carriage.



