DPS 5015 case, bench power supply
<ul> <li> 2020.11.21 <br> Added DPS5020 FRONT stl file. <br> </li></b> <li> 2020.05.15 <br> Added shorter version of the cover, 3cm less than before, I think that will be enough to fit DPS5015 board without choke and capacitors. <br> Replaced DPS5015_BACK.stl to new one.<br> Added front panel microswitch button adapter to aluminum cap.</li></b> </ul> <b>Housing for DPS5015 and external power supply 48V 20,8A 1000W https://www.aliexpress.com/item/33018774557.html external psu size: 24,2cm, 12,4cm, 6,4cm OPENDPS size: 40cm, 13,3cm, 9,3cm OPENDPS short version size: 37cm, 13,3cm, 9,3cm</b> <b>Flashed with OpenDPS https://github.com/kanflo/opendps </b> <h4>Warning!</h4> <b>Need to modify power supply, if you don't care about void chinese warranty, then just unmout fan and remove aluminum wall on the back power supply. If you want to get maximum DPS5015 voltage range from 48V external power supply, you need to replace resistor to 3.3kOhm on the mainboard close at the C15 capacitor and nearby the output voltage adjustment potentiometer (or simply buy 60V PSU version), check picture attached bellow. After that you will get about 56-58V maximum output voltage instead of 48-50V at external power supply, and with 56V input voltage for DPS5015 you can get finaly max. output voltage about 50V. <h4>BOM:</h4><ul> <li>8x M3 5-8mm screws</li> <li>9x M4 ring terminal</li> <li>3x M5 ring terminal</li> <li>6x 6,3mm female spade crimp terminal connector</li> <li>1x KCD3 rocker switch</li> <li>3x 30A M5 Type 4mm Female Banana Jack Socket, green, black, red</li> <li>4x 7mm diameter, 15mm long aluminum button cap, cut it to 5-6mm</li> <li>1x 15x12.5mm Aluminum Volume Potentiometer Knob</li> <li>1x DPS5015 or DPS5020 (the same size)</li> <li>1x 1000W 48V 20.8A power supply</li> <li>1x Schurter 5220.0643.1</li> <li>1m Silicone Insulated 14 AWG black and red wire</li> <li>1m power wire: LAPP KABEL H05BQ-F 3G0,75mm2</li> <li>1x DTS-40/3,3/20-H common mode choke (OPTIONAL)</li> <li>4x or 6x 2200uF/63V capacitor upw1j222mhd (OPTIONAL)</li> </ul>