Double Din AC Relocation Bezel for BMW E46, cheap solution

Double Din AC Relocation Bezel for BMW E46, cheap solution


<h3>Alternative solution for BMW E46 Double Din AC Relocation Bezel.</h3> <p>After a Double Din radio replacement you have to move the AC unit on the lower frame but the unit doesn't fit that well. This is a simple solution that uses your original frame, the 3d printed part ("clamp") and a nut/bolt to fix everything in place. </p> [Youtube video of the 3d clamp installation]( <p> The original frame is altered just a bit. On the left side it has a small lip that needs to be cut off, this helps with the AC panel alignment.(see image) Before the final assembling you'll have to fully slide the clamp on the AC panel. Drill a hole through the original frame using the model hole as a template. Make sure the bolt and nut are locking with ease. This solution doesn't require any new bezel or front lip. </p>






