Mason jar paintbrush lite

Mason jar paintbrush lite


Remix of the widemouth paintbrush holder with reduced mass. Original was 35g in PETG, this remix is 20g - a 43% savings in materials. Also reduces print time because the thickness of the inner circle structure has been reduced from the underside of the cap - the time savings is much less significant than the material savings. The Slicer image shows the underside, the red layers more or less indicate where the extra structure was removed. I can't think why it would matter that this structure is no longer enclosed with a bottom layer. Would be interesting to hear how it prints at 0.3 with 0% infill (3 perimeter walls perhaps). UPDATE: I put a 0.6mm nozzle on my printer and printed this, it's nice. I realized that the outer shell of the original model is too thin and doesn't always print correctly, depending on how you slice it.







Art Tools