Native American Sparrow Hawk Flute head for 22mm PVC pipe + drilling template
Update: uploaded Am drilling template 27 May 20 (Stairway to heaven anyone?) PLEASE NOTE: Gb in the file section refers to F#m as thingiverse's file system is not able to accept # in filenames. There are two sets of files. - flute head - drilling templates I've always wanted to play the Native American Flute in different keys and tunings but making all the different ones were extremely time consuming. Carving the whistle bit is the most time consuming part of making the flute; especially getting the size of the splitting edge and the flue position just right. I have adapted Alex's flute whistle to fit, easily/cheaply found, 22mm (ID, 26.5mm OD) PVC water pipe. This allowed me to drill holes in PVC pipe to experiment with different tuning easily. If a hole is misplaced, just use a new tube. Alex's Native American Sparrow Hawk flute ( has one of the best designed whistle that I've come across. It plays consistently well when printed out. THANK YOU ALEX for sharing your design. The sound will not be as clear and distinct as a hand crafted one because of the rough ridges inside the flue due to the limitations 3D printers but nevertheless, it is good enough. You can always remove the flue cover during printing so that u can sand the area really smooth to get a clear sound. Any part of the flute that has burrs and breaks the streamline airflow will cause the sound to be a bit airy. I used Microsoft 3D builder to chop off the top and bottom portion of the whistle. For the blowing portion, I preferred a tapered cigar shape. I used Openscad and rocket nose cone generating code to create the shape. This was then "pasted" to the top portion of the whistle in Microsoft 3D builder. For the PVC attachment, I happened to have a Fusion 360 designed cylinder that fitted tightly over a PVC pipe in a previous project. This was "pasted" to the bottom portion of the whistle in Microsoft 3D builder. After touching up, by removing all 90 deg surfaces inside the tube by putting tapered cylinders in there, all the parts were merged together and printed. <u>Preparing 22mm ID PVC pipe (26.5mm OD)</u> Cutting to length and making holes in it. The longer the length of pipe, the lower the pitch. The further away the holes are from the wind spliter, the lower the pitch. The smaller the hole, the lower the pitch. 2 methods are described. 1. traditional "dead reckoning" 2. using a template that I measured from my flute. Unfortunately I don't know how to make the words appear better. With my printer, the words are kind of meshed together. Probably it is too small. Just for interest, it is 26mm from the top of the pipe to the air splitter.