Sapphire Plus/Pro MKS TFT35 to LCD12864 mount
This is a mount for a LCD12864 LCD screen. I don't really like the touchscreens on 3d printers so i wanted the regular lcd display with a rotary knob. Instructions: - First you unbolt the original touchscreen from the printer. Part 1 should fit on the original mounting holes so it fits inside the hole where the screen first was. - Next you bolt part 2 to part 1. Then you can fit the LCD12864 display inside part 2. - The last step is to bolt part 3 to part 2 so it becomes a nice and sturdy enclosure for your LCD screen. I added the STEP file so you can make your own adjustments if you want. Don't forget to mark it as a remix if you want to post it to thingiverse. Thanks!