Digital Sundial with Wall Mount and Table Stand

Digital Sundial with Wall Mount and Table Stand


Digital Sundial with single/double hour digit in the center and dots mimicking the minute arm of an analogue clock. For an animation/simulation (animated and rendered in Blender) of the sundial see this video: The technical solution is strongly inspired by Digital Sundial by Mojoptix Apart from the obviously different form, these are the main differences: * The pixels are rotated 90 degrees making the sun dial more appropriate for wall mounting, and larger latitudes (I think). * By spatially separating the pixels showing minutes a finer time granularity can be achieved - the ten minute dots work surprisingly well. * The code is easily configurable to have the sun dial made for the specific location and orientation. * There are mounting possibilities for mounting the sundial on a wall or for placing it on a table stand. For the table mount one wants to be able to read the shadow from the north. In order to do this the sun dial core has to be designed with the reverse angular direction of the sun. There is a variable in the scad script to achieve this. For the southern hemisphere it is the opposite; The table stand variant can be wall mounted and the the wall mount version can be used with the table stand -- but the best solution is to configure the scad file with the sun path of the specific location, regardless on where on earth you are living. The uploaded sundial core is calculated for a farm in Austria (Unteramt), with the sun dial facing straight south, which happens to be placed with the coordinated 48°N, 15°E. I chose this location because I think this version will work quite well for most locations.







Math Art