Octet Truss Node Environment (from rhombic dodechedrons)
This is the local environment of a node in an octet-truss. The struts are made from rhombic dodecahedrons which have their faces facing in the direction of the octet-truss struts. # 3D images: **Sidenote:** I've added some images for unaided 3D crossed-eye viewing. Here's how you attain the autostereograpic viewing superpower: Set your eyes vergence (where your lines of sight cross) at half the distance to the screen. At the same time set your eyes accommodation (where your eyes lenses focus at) at the screen. Setting vergence and accommodation to different distances is deeply unnatural and thus a skill that is bloody hard to attain. But once you've got it you get to keep that superpower forever. Keep training beyond first success, this makes it way easier plus you can view bigger and bigger images. # Background This came up when investigating possible translatory and rotatory motions for self replicating pick and place robots in an modular lattice that itself is part of the system. Like the rails depicted in Fig. 28 in the paper [An architecture for universal construction via modular robotic components](https://rpk.lcsr.jhu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Moses13_An-Architecture.pdf) but instead of a planar square lattice going for the simple-most stiff 3D lattice which is the octet-truss.