Star Mask

Star Mask


This is a mask I designed for the upcoming holidays in the U.S. It is designed as a large mask with a thickness that will allow resizing to a smaller form. The cover should be printed using PETG to allow for a snug fit for any filter material that has 1mm or less thickness. There are 50 stars in the front that allow for very good air flow and cooling. I changed the filament during printing to create the multi colored flag looking mask. Blue was 4.8mm and every other layer of red or white was 4.4mm. The added seal around the mask works well for me and does not fog up my glasses. I used standard window treatment for the seal and a cut section of a high quality furnace filter for the replaceable filter material. Any system that allows you to change filament should work to print the mask without supports. This is my first post to Thingiverse, so expect edits to the design over time.






