Bend/Break the Circles, Fraction Circles, Circle Models
####Bend/Break the Circles, Fraction Circles, Circle Models #####It might be comforting to bend circles, as I was told, in addition to learning about mathematical ideas. The present design allows students and teachers to **bend and/or break **the circles for numerous mathematical explorations, ranging from *basic geometric arrangements, sense of fractions, angles, and circle areas*. As a believer in diverse and multiple representations and engagements, I have included multiple sets of circular dissections, including **1/2, 1/3, ¼, 1/5, 1/6, 1/7, 1/8, 1/9, 1/10, and 1/12** pieces. The sector wedges have a radius of 50 mm and are 4mm thick. One can print individual pieces or whole circle sets and then break them apart. There is tolerance left between the pieces for separation and flexible twists and turns. ####To Print 1. Choose individual wedges in terms of a fraction such as 1/3 or 1/8, print multiple copies. 2. Alternatively, a whole circle, an AiO (All in One) file, can be printed and then separated as necessary ####To Play 1. Try to bend the circles 2. Try to separate the wedges, flip them, and make other shapes such as a parallelogram. 3. Try mixing fractions and reason about them. For example, take a 1/2, a 1/3, and a 1/6 and put them into a full circle. What does it mean? 4. Can you fold a circle into a cone? Why? Now, remove a piece from a circle, then see if you can make a cone. What is the surface area of that cone? ####Have fun!