OpenLock/MagBall Dungeon Tile Base - Supportless & TrueTiles

OpenLock/MagBall Dungeon Tile Base - Supportless & TrueTiles


This is the ultimate OpenLock compatible dungeon tile base. It works with standard OpenLock clips as well as 5mm Ball Magnets (MagBalls). And maybe the best thing? You can print this without supports! Nothing to remove or snap off. And since you aren't printing supports, that mean your parts finish faster! I've designed this so you can print it as-is, and glue the rest of the tile on top. You should slice off 6.2 mm from the bottom of whatever tile you want to use. Once both pieces are printed, just spread some CA glue on the top surface and pop your tile topper on. Alternately, you can use this to kit-bash a tile and print it all in one piece. Again, you will need to slice off 6.2mm from the bottom of whatever tile you want to use, then just boolean combine/union the remainder with this base and you're golden. In that case, you'll probably need supports in the center of the tile. I'm including a lot of the standard tile sizes. I'm even including TrueTiles sizes (1.25" squares) if that's the way you roll. UPDATE: I've also included a Bool Tool for adding this socket to your own designs. NOTE: Be sure to push the MagBalls into their slots from the inside! Otherwise you might break/de-laminate the part. Also check out my [#NoWalls Modular 28mm Dungeon Tiles Collection](







Toys & Games