Geiger Counter Kit box - G24730ASB kit

Geiger Counter Kit box - G24730ASB kit


I recently purchased a pre-assembled Geiger counter kit from Electronics Goldmine and noticed that they didn't have an option for a housing for it. So I thought it would be a fun Tinkercad project. This is a simple rectangular box with a few holes added so you can see the Geiger tube, the LEDs, and have access to the switch without needing to handle the board and potentially short out the sensitive electronics. The 9V battery sits underneath the board and just for safety I added a little tape around it to make sure there wasn't a conductive surface to short components. A thin piece of wood or non-conductive film might be a better option long term. This is the box in action (Thingiverse wasn't letting me upload a video at the time of creation of this). This is the link to the kit (if it's still available when you're looking at this) This is the link to my TInkercad if you're interested in modifying it for your own purposes.



