Handles remix

Handles remix


This is a tall print, so make sure you have GOOD bed adhesion. You will probably need to print with a brim, or secure the base with tape after the print has progressed a bit. There are 6 STLs, two of which are blank on the end. These are labeled "no hole". They shouldn't be printed, because the middle won't be strong enough to support a tool. They have been included so you can edit them (I use blender, mostly) for whatever tool you need to mount. To actually mount the tool, I've been heating the tang with a torch and carefully pressing it in and allowing to cool. I'll post the dimensions of each tang size here soon. I printed these with 6 walls of .5mm thickness in PLA+ and PLA pro and that is very strong. When using Cura to slice the 66% size, make sure that "Union Overlapping Volumes" is unchecked or it won't print the hole. Updates to come.







Hand Tools