Screen Accurate R2D2 Alexa Echo Dot 3 Dock

Screen Accurate R2D2 Alexa Echo Dot 3 Dock


New Version (colours can be printed separately): I'll be honest, I didn't like some of the current cut and paste versions of the R2D2 Alexa Echo Dot 3 docks available, some of them had a lot of errors when slicing. I decided to make a "as close as possible" screen-accurate version from the original files. Echo Dot 3 now fits into the main body of R2D2 (there's ton's of wiggle room), added a retaining ring to allow the head to rotate. Totally stole the head from Gerrylum here (, Check his "thing" for an alternate head too. I've found that some of the body details failed due to the auto-supports not working correctly in PrusaSlic3r - not to worry though as some kind soul has remixed the original R2D2 files to include separate parts, just scale the parts down to 67.45% print them up and jam them into the holes: Update 18/05/2020: Finally finished printing everything, plugged several of the holes with parts from the link above, had to use the SLA printer (Creatively LD-002R) to print the vent parts as they were a little too delicate for my Prusa MK3s to handle). Will be sanding and painting this up, further images to follow. Update: 10/06/2020 Painted version now up, would love to see some "makes" :) ![Tony]( "Signature")






