YABR Balancing Robot 3D printed Chassis v2.

YABR Balancing Robot 3D printed Chassis v2.


[EN] This is a chassis for a self-balancing robot as described at: http://www.brokking.net/yabr_main.html I didn't this project, Joop Brokking did, but his robot was designed using plywood, which is not convenient for me. So I designed another chassis that could be 3D printed. This version 2 avoids flexing at the zone near the steppers, and the support board has 4 pieces that can be glued or screwed to supports and help fitting. Print 2 pieces of Base, Wheel and side, and only 1 piece of Support. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [CAT] Xassís per robot auto-balanceig que es descriu aqui: http://www.brokking.net/yabr_main.html No he dissenyat el robot, sino en Joop Brokking, però ho va fer per ser muntat amb peces de contraxapat que no tinc forma de tallar. Així que he dissenyat un nou que es pot imprimir en 3D. La versió 2 evita que el suport flexi massa a la zona dels motors pas a pas, i he posat uns afegitons que permeten un millor encaix de les peces. Imprimex 2 peces de Base, Roda i Lateral, i només 1 de la peça de suport.






