Remote Control for SpotMicro

Remote Control for SpotMicro


Remote for robotics based on NRF24L01 radio module. Contains an arduino mega as the brain. The rim should be printed with a brim, otherwise it will peel off the heatbed, and it should be printed with the screw holes downwards. The PDF contains the complete wiring schematic and parts needed for this remote. SPOTMicroREMOTE.ino is the sketch to be uploaded to the remote's Arduino mega2560. The joysticks should be calibrated before use. This is done by pushing the 1st (of the 3) button between the joysticks (calibration is saved in the eeprom (only 100 000 write cycles)). The 2nd button will erase the eeprom (although this is not needed. You can just do a new calibration to overwrite the old). Instructions are shown on the display. NRF24L01_Receiver.ino should be uploaded/merged on the Arduino on spotmicro itself. In case of a raspberry pi, there should be some code on the internet to interface with the NRF24L01 module. The remote sends an array of values to the receiver. The receiver code reads the array and every value can be used by calling "Array[number of the value in the array]" where the first value has number 0. The values are received in the following order: Height,ShiftX,ShiftY,Yaw,Pitch,Roll,LeftJoystickY,LeftJoystickX,RightJoystickY,RightJoystickX ...[0].....…[1]…....[2]…..[3]…..[4]….[5]…..……[6]…..…………...[7]…..………..….[8]...……………..[9] Howto use the remote: Data output explaination:






