Motorized High Bypass Engine Nacelle

Motorized High Bypass Engine Nacelle


Electric motor for driving the High Bypass engine Nacelle. This motor system is completely self contained within the nozzle cone (plug). A push-on/push-off button is located at the tip of the nozzle. It runs on 8 AAA cells at 72 RPM. Full load measured 120 mA. This should give about 8 hours of run time from good quality batteries. The bearings should be cleaned of all grease and relubricated with light oil. The engine model must spin freely. While this motor has significant torque, tight spots and sluggish bearings will greatly diminish battery life and could prematurely wear out he gear-motor. Adapters are included to mate this motor to the original nacelle design. However, updates have been made to the nacelle design for easy integration of the motor without the adapters. The Molex connectors can be substituted with just about any type and brand. I used these because I had a lot on hand. The wiring can be run direct without connectors if desired. This electric motor arrangement will not work with the original 3D Printable Jet Engine by Chris Shakil. It will only work with my remixed versions of the nozzle stator and nozzle plug.






