


Beeb-Bot is a fully open hardware recreation of the 1983 Economatics BBC Buggy robot. The robot was originally designed as a STEM educational tool to accompany the Acorn BBC Microcomputer that was popular in schools at the time. Beeb-bot is designed for educational and hobby use; the robot can be printed, assembled and used with all stages providing different educational aspects into the design, construction and use of robotics (as well as programming, mathematics and geometry when using the robot). Full details, printing instructions, construction instructions and the complete OpenSCAD source code are available from the project's GitHub: Please use the GitHub repo for the latest STL files and parts. The original robot was constructed from Fischertechnik, a building block system similar to lego but better suited for teaching engineering since it is possible to make strong, complex shapes with fewer parts. The original BBC Buggy was made using a combination of standard hardware (motors, screws, nuts, etc.), standard Fischertechnik aluminium and plastics parts as well as a number of specific Fischertechnik compatible parts that were unique to the robot kit. The Beeb-Bot design has two construction uses; either the 3D printed parts can be used to create a complete robot or the individual parts can be used as a direct one-to-one replacement in order to repair or complete an original BBC Buggy (as they are still used by organisations and individuals). Every part of Beeb-Bot is designed to be both 3D printable and fully backwards-compatible with the original Economatics kit.






