Ender 3 (Pro) - Hot end cover - with LM2596

Ender 3 (Pro) - Hot end cover - with LM2596


<h1> Silent Hot End - Ender 3 (Pro) </h1> <p>To make my Creality - Ender 3 Pro a bit more silent i changed the Hotend cooling fan to the <a href="https://www.amazon.com/-/de/Noiseblocker-NB-BlackSilentFan-40x40x10mm-Silent-3800RPM/dp/B00ZB7TD4G/ref=sr_1_6?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&dchild=1&keywords=noiseblocker&qid=1589638036&sr=8-6"> Noiseblocker XM2</a>. It is an 12V fan so you also need a step down converter to run the fan with the 24V system of the Printer. I used a <a href="https://www.amazon.com/-/de/Adjustable-Converter-1-5-35v-Efficiency-Regulator/dp/B07C2QF1T1/ref=sr_1_3?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&dchild=1&keywords=lm2596&qid=1589638423&sr=8-3"> LM2596 - Module</a>. You also can use every other 40x40x10mm fan with a voltage less than 24V.</p> <p>To get the Fan and the LM2596 mounted on my Ender i redesigned the original sheetmetal hotend cover to hold the new Noiseblocker fan, the LM2596 module and the original radial fan for the part cooling.</p> <p>To assemble everything you just need a solder iron. <ol> <li>Print my hotend cover</li> <li>Disassemble the hotend original hotend cover and fans (don´t lose the screws)</li> <li>cut off the cable of the hot end cooling fan close to the fan</li> <li>solder the cable to the INPUT side of the LM2596</li> <li>cut of the cable of the new fan in a length so that you can do a nice cablemanagement in the 3D printed hot end cover (about 7-8cm)</li> <li>solder the cablesof the new fan to the OUTPUT side of the LM2596</li> <li>mount the LM2596 in the 3D Printed cover using two of the fan srews</li> <li>mount the new hotend cooling fan with the remaining two screws in the 3D Printed cover</li> <li>mount the part cooling fan on the new cover using the original srews</li> <li>mount your new hotend cooling assembly to the printer using the original srews</li> </ol></p> **Start printing again with a silent printer** <br> <h2>TIP for silent mainboard</h2> <p> i case that you buy a multipack of the LM2596 you also can buy a second fan (40x40x10 is the same size as the original) and change the mainboard fan, there is enough space in the original mainborad case to fit the additional LM2596.</p> <br> </br> <p>Also watch my other <a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/Cassin/designs">DESIGNS</a></p> </br> <p>Printed with <a href="https://www.3djake.at">3D Jake - ecoPLA</a></p>



