Nicrew Automatic Feeder Reduction Rings

Nicrew Automatic Feeder Reduction Rings


I recently purchased a Nicrew Automatic Feeder due to it's non-rotating drum design. I modded my RedSea Max 130C reef tank to have a cutout at the rear of the hood so that I could mount an automatic feeder. However, the problem with most auto-feeders is that they have a rotating feed drum which had a tendency to get hung up on the hood unless they were positioned perfectly. The Nicrew instead uses an internal hopper to deliver the food. However in it's stock configuration, it delivers way too much if using small pellets and there's no built-in way to reduce that. (a major design flaw IMHO)... So Tinkercad and Ender 3 to the rescue!... By removing the three screws that holds the endcap on, the spring loaded door (plunger) can be removed and one of these reduction rings slid in to reduce the size of the feed opening. I made three thickness 3mm, 3.5mm, and 4mm. The thicker (larger) the ring, the less food is dropped. Note: If you print all three you can store the two unused sizes under/inside the encap for later use (e.g your number/size of fish or food size/type changes)






