Formbot/Vivedino T Rex 3.0 E3D V6 Hot End Upgrade

Formbot/Vivedino T Rex 3.0 E3D V6 Hot End Upgrade


This is meant to be an almost direct swap for the stock hot end mount for an E3D V6 hotend. The stock hot end that comes with the T Rex 3.0 is incapable of withstanding temperatures above 250 degrees, leading to the PTFE tube to break down and cause jamming. While an all metal heat break swap may be sufficient, this upgrade is for those who want to replace the entire stock hot end assembly with genuine E3D parts. You will need (for each side): (4) M3 - 8 mm long bolts for mounting the adapter to the stepper motor (2) M3 bolts reused from the stock mount Note: The adapters add an extra 5 mm to the distance between the nozzles and the x-axis, so you can either edit the Marlin firmware or just edit print size to 390 mm in the y-direction to help offset this. The heat sink fan from E3D must be on the opposite (short side) side from the stock fan. Make sure there is at least 26 mm between both extruders when printing in mirrored mode to keep them from running into each other. Version 2: Edited the adapter so that the E3D fan can fit right side up.



