Printable Collapsible shopping cart cup holder
Collapsible shopping cart cup holder - improved. I had problems with : 1) not well designed for FDM 3D printers. Too much support is needed. 2) The nuts&bolts joining the top leg to the bottom leg came out (my fault: I didn't use Loctite.) 3) The cart hook didn't fit the Costco carts. 4) the nut&bolt that attaches the cart_hook can't be used after the top_plate is glued to the top_leg. I redesigned the Top_plate.stl and fused it with the top_leg. I redesigned the carthook so the wire thickness is customizable and fastened by a single nut and bolt, so it can be attached and removed to the new top plate. To print this, you'll need: One cart_hook.stl printed lying down with supports for the fingers. One bottom_plate.stl - supports are optional for this. One ShoppingCartCupHolderV1.2.stl - no supports needed. One Bottom_leg.stl - no supports needed. do NOT print: Top_leg.stl - it us used as an input file by ShoppingCartCupHolder.scad do NOT print: ShoppingCartCupHolder.stl - it's just presented because it's what I used for the photos. Version 1.2 is revised to add 8mm more material between the cart_hook and the rest of the top, so the holes will line up more attractively top and bottom. I used two sets of m3 nuts and bolts to hold the bottom_leg to the top, with the nuts on the inside and a bit of superglue to keep the nuts from unscrewing themselves. I used a 6-32 1/2" bolt and nut to attach the cart_hook.stl to teh top plate, but a 5/8" bolt would be easier to work with. The 6/32 nuts fit the space better: they won't rotate when you spin the bolts. The Bottom_leg.stl here is identical to the one in - just listed here for completeness. You can easily adjust the gap that the cart_hook fingers span by just typing a different number in the top of its CartHook.scad file.