Torture test for your 3D printer, will expose many issues- less then 3 grams!

Torture test for your 3D printer, will expose many issues- less then 3 grams!


Little model that I have designed to expose many flaws of my printer: Please make sure to print with single line -wall thickness is 0.5mm(in PrusaSlicer "Detect thin walls"). This model will test/expose: * Cooling * flow rate * Bridge flow/speed tuning * Stringing * Ringing * Overhangs * Linear advance * Vibration absorber feet/materials * Temp tuning * Salmon skin * etc'. This will make your printer cry :-), also it uses less then 3 grams, so you can keep testing without worrying about filament waste. Please post your make so we can all help each other tuning our printers .



