Dog Treat Counter

Dog Treat Counter


My girlfriend and I are on different schedules, and I wanted a way to track how many treats our dog was getting. Enter the Dog treat counter. About 4" around, esp8266 controlled, with just enough room for an 18650 lipo battery and holder, 0.96" oled display 12x12mm tactile button, ‎MCP1700 voltage reg, 2 caps, a resistor, and the esp8266 itself. Topped with a paw shaped button. I plan to have the display plan an animation followed by the days count of treats (button presses), then send the updated count to home assistant to be displayed and tracked there. After which the esp will go back into deep sleep until the next button press. Screw holes are 2.8mmx6mm so an M3x6 can be threaded in easily (You'll need 2) Included are the stl and fusion 360 archive to edit it to your liking. The spacing for the button is a parameter so if your button has a different height (will without a plunger/cover) you can change it easily. Note: I'm gluing magnets to the back which will account for any screw head height, if flush mounting or desk mounting you might have to counter sink the holes on the back cover and use pan head screws (M3x6) I'll add the code for the esp and any home assistant stuff once I get it working. ######UPDATE######### Code is mostly working, still need to tweak the mqtt stuff but if you want to copy this, this should get you most of the way there. This is for esphome and to be used with home assistant. Codes at the pastebin below






