Odroid Go thermal infrared (IR) camera - Ideal for COVID Coronavirus screening

Odroid Go thermal infrared (IR) camera - Ideal for COVID Coronavirus screening


Odroid Go thermal infrared (IR) camera - Ideal for COVID Coronavirus screening This is a rear facing 3D printed case for my simple Odroid Go thermal IR camera project. For the firmware and hardware aspects please visit the Github page: https://github.com/drandrewthomas/Odroid_Go_thermal_IR_camera If you've already built this project you may like to know that since 28th April 2020 the v1.1 firmware includes lots of improvements and new features, including a fever screening system ideal for helping check whether you, your family, your friends, or even people you just talk to outside your home, appear to have a high temperature. Ideal in these times of Coronavirus and COVID-19. If you want the old forward facing case you can find the files at: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3648653 Also, the OpenSCAD file is included here in case you'd like to customise your thermal camera case, or even for helping you design other Odroid Go accessories.






