4x magnifier LED display

4x magnifier LED display


This device increases the area of ​​the LED matrix by 4 times. My idea is to use an expanding light separator. If you print it from a translucent material (and my silver plastic turned out to be a little translucent), then the image elements are "voluminous", and, for example, if you use the firmware to display the clock, the numbers will also be three-dimensional. But you can print them in black plastic and get a classic scoreboard, but 4 times larger at the price of a small one. And all the electronics will cost about $7. Depending on the firmware, you can use as a clock, lamp, creeping line, night light or color music. The design does not use filling, but only walls, so printing is relatively fast and low material consumption. Also, no screws or other fixing methods are used. How it works can be seen in the video https://youtu.be/O-WCk1mXSQI UPD I added a version in two sides in the form of frames, its printing a third faster and when printing a model, corners closed by cooling by a fan are not created. This option has not yet been tested, but I guess it is better to print it from a more rigid PLA.






