Modular Cable Holder
Is you room also a mess full of cables? Do you really want to clean up that mess of cables behind your desk/tv stand? Well fear no more, the humongous cableholder and co will make your desk as clean like never before. These modular cable holders come in 4 sizes: - humongous (for tv-cables and the like) - medium (cables for certain laptop cables etc.) - smedium (everything in between medium and small) - small (for phone chargers etc.) On the back of each holder its size (H, M, SM or S) is depicted. The holders can be combined in any combination that suits you, they all fit onto each other via a dovetail joint that sits nice and tight. P.S. Feel free to leave a comment with your feedback for further improvements or a post of your own version! (or you may also donate directly on :) )