Geeetech i3 pro B PSU cover adapted for 25A 12v PSU + ethernert port version.
Originally designed by jdobry I have remixed this cover to fit my upgraded power supply on my printer as i'm sure many have done on this model. As the replacement power supply is a different shape this cover no longer would fit. Also included is a version that fits an ENC28j60 ethernet module, this is used on my machine which runs klipper on a raspberry pi 3 model A+. They are components that i had laying around, 10Mbps isn't the fastest but it has been fine for my use. Included are files to test the fitment of your ethernet module without wasting filament on the rest of the cover only for it to not fit As this is near the power supply unit, i strongly suggest that ethernet cable is used for the SPI lines with some extra heatshrink as another safety layer. The ethernet board has seperation from the mains side so the risk of mains electricity getting to it should be minimal. If your power supply does not have any vents near the bottom then you should print the vented version. I am new to uploading items to thingiverse so i am likely doing something wrong If there is any suggestions/advice/feedback then please leave a comment.