Customizable Prusa i3 MK3S LCD Cover

Customizable Prusa i3 MK3S LCD Cover


# What is this A customizable version of the Prusa i3 MK3s LCD cover # Why I wanted the official cover but in blue with custom text saying the name of the printer, in the exact same style as the official text # How I ran the original Prusa i3 MK3S LCD cover stl through this site to make OpenScad happy with it: (The stl renders invisible otherwise) Then I removed the original text by unioning with a cube that fills in the text exactly and added some functions to add your own text after making lots of measurements to get things in the right place I printed my customized version and manually hit change filament on the 4th layer once it was done with perimeters and again after it was done with solid infill of the 4th layer so I could have black lettering. # Customizing The web customizer doesn't work with this since the .scad file imports the original prusa lcd cover stl. Download openscad, `lcd-cover.scad`, and `LCD-cover-ORIGINAL-MK3_fixed.stl` (These 2 files must be in the same folder). Open the .scad file. The variables at the top let you put any text you want for the small or large text. You will also want to change the `line_length` variable so the line above the small text matches the length. You will also need to adjust the position of the large text so it is spaced nicely after the small text, using the `text_large_position_x` variable. All the other variables should be fine as is, but are included if you want to change things such as depth of the text (`deboss_depth`), font size (`text_small_size` and `text_large_size`), or the thickness of the line above the small text (`line_thickness`).





