Polaris scope Light

Polaris scope Light


This gadget plugs into the front port of the Celestron AVX mount and provides illumination for the polarscope when this is inserted into the mount to allow for polar alignment. The wiring is very simple and routing is provided for it in the print model. If desired the potentiometer can be replaced by a fixed resistor of about 15K. The CR2032 is held in place by a tight-fitting cap and although screw holes were provided, these were not found to be necessary. The positive pole of the cell was placed at the bottom and contact to it provided by a small brass washer to which the lead was soldered. A small wide spring was inserted under the cap and the negative lead soldered to it. Two files are provided. Polariscopelight.stl can be resized if necessary. A small hole was drilled later in the bottom of the battery compartment to allow pushing the battery out and throwing open the battery hatch.



