Banggood Donut 3 Inch Replacement Ducts

Banggood Donut 3 Inch Replacement Ducts


This is a set of replacement ducts for the Banggood Donut 3" Cinewhoop drone. I couldn't find a set of replacement ducts that were as light and fit like the original so I modeled my own in Solidworks. Measurements were take from the original set and designed to be as as close to an exact replacement as reasonable. These weigh ~16-18 grams like the original and fit perfectly. If you set-up your drone using the original ducts and ran your wiring accordingly, you won't need to change a thing to use these. Being very close facsimiles of the original means they aren't the strongest ones out there, but remember, with added strength comes weight, and added weight means a less responsive drone and less flight time.







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