Protective Nintendo DS Cases with Desk or Shelf Mount! The Whole Family!!!
Dear Makers, Let me introduce you to Tcherno's whole family of cases to protect, store and proudly display your Nintendo DS and 3DS game collection!! I designed those cases so they will hold your game cartridges of Nintendo DS and Nintendo 3DS games tight enough, without damaging them. Although this can't be guaranteed as the size of the cartridges and the precision of your 3D printer may vary. They come in different versions to offer different options to be mounted on a desk or a shelf for instance, with a couple of screws. I made rows for 2 to 6 games as this is what most printers can handle in terms of dimensions, but let me know if you need any other variation! I'll be happy to do another version for you! You'll find here the following variations: - No mount, rows of 2/3/4/5/6, - "Side-Top" mount, rows of 2/4/6: mount on the sides, to be screwed from the top, see pics 6 & 7. - "Back-Top" mount, rows of 2/4/6: mount from the back, to be screwed from the top, see pic 8. - "Back-Bottom" mount, rows of 2/4/6: mount from the back, to be screwed from the bottom, see pics 4 & 5. I really hope you'll like this object! I'd love to see your prints so please add them here! =D Check the printing information below, and feel free to contact me if you have any question or request! I'll add many more prints soon so stay tuned! Including some derived from this one ;) Printing recommendations: Files: Every file is added in the recommended position to print. Ready-to-print! But if some are slightly too big for your printing surface... TRY DIAGONALLY!! Support: No support. Layer height: 0.2mm Infill: It should be basically just walls so 100%.