Human Bio-Battery / Medical Experiment
Short version: Torso bio-electric unit / grim-dark medical experiment. Made of 3 separate parts - body, base and wheel. For 28mm tabletop terrain, designed primarily for Warhammer 40K Fat Dragon Games Cura profile for Body (Pt1)(0.1mm layer height), Cura standard settings for Base (Pt2) and Wheel (Pt3). Scale on Cura to 90%. Printed using an Ender 3. Long Version: I'm working on a collection of mostly Grim Dark scatter terrain pieces, trying to improve my design and 3D printing skills (sort of a new quarantine hobby to cope with the virus times). Some of it will hopefully go along with the 40K lore. Always looking for comment/criticism, would like to know what people think of it / if you get any use out of it and how I could improve upon it Body should be printed at 0.1mm layer height. I used the Fat Dragon Games profile for Cura (thanks FDG for that). STL for wheel prints x4 wheels, it was too small otherwise and I couldn't get Cura to recognise just a single wheel without it scaling up (any tips on how to stop this would be very much appreciated). I used Cura for slicing and I scaled the model to 90%. I printed in PLA. Bed temp 60. Printed with a raft with a raft margin of 2mm. Most of my designs are documented on Instagram: