Universal filter use any filtering material on any snorkel 22mm female adapter
Remixed Version of Choco_Mex's brilliant adapters check source https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4355794 This version uses the same shape of an inline ventilator filter so if you already have an adapter for your snorkel mask, you can use this adapter to use any material as filtration media on your mask. It doesnt matter your masks model or brand as long as you have a 22mm filter adapter (female). If you use one of my dual adapters you can fit 22mm filters, 30mm filters and this adapter to use any filtering material. If you found this useful, please donate what you think it is worth to my paypal.me. Help cover the time of design. https://paypal.me/GarLuisDesign?locale.x=es_XC Thanks, Enjoy!