BCN3D Sigmax Fan Duct

BCN3D Sigmax Fan Duct


__Edit 2020-05-26__: V4 printing pretty cool.(yes, this is pun;) Added bowden clip that is 1mm higher to use at hot-end as there always seem to be some play - could be hot-end design issue. __Edit 2020-05-24__ : Added V4. Fins thicker for easier print with better rounding to remove sharp corners for better air flow. !!!! V4 May collide with the wiper blades !!!! I do not use the cloth wiper, but use extrusion brushes to clean Not scientific: Using a feather test, the air hits the 'tip' of the nozzle, bypassing most of the nozzle itself. The air is concentrated to about 8mm wide area. Orientation: The spacer can be printed as is. Print the duct part 'upside down' with the nozzle side up in the air, and the 2 x screw holes flat on the bed - that way no supports are required. Bridge Test: Don't know if cooling is better - but at least it is not worse.



