Covid-19 Door Opener Key Chain

Covid-19 Door Opener Key Chain


So I quite liked the overall design idea from AndiBl but thought it looked a little improvement was possible and as I'm starting out with Fusion 360 might be a good bit of practice. If you're wondering why there isn't a v1.0 it's because I stress tested the original on a very tough door and broke it (the weak spot being where the front cut is). So for v2.0 I've made the notch smaller and the width of that area a little wider, v2.1 has no notch. Versions 2.0a and 2.1a are without the button pusher which might annoy some people if you keep it in your pocket. V2.0 I wasn't able to test on the door that broke the original as I'd made the gap just a tiny bit to small for it's extra wide handle (hence there is now 2.2 - still to be stress tested). To be fair the door that broke the original is faulty and drags on the carpet so will probably break any printed in PLA. One question I noticed in the comments for AndyBl's model was why there was the pointy bit at the bottom -- I excluded that on my first version and trying it out realised that it helps to have a recessed spot for your second finger. The pointy bit was just a quick way of doing this. V2.2 is now tested and even works on our dodgy door that I have measured the peak pull weight at being a little over 15Kg.







Hand Tools