Wurstwerfer Nerf Perses Rival Flywheelpuller

Wurstwerfer Nerf Perses Rival Flywheelpuller


Here you can find the Stl`s for the pictured printed/machined Flywheel puller that i sell in my Etsy shop, together with a few instructions on how to grind your own Hardware for this tool. What you will need besides the printed part: A cordless drill, a bench grinder a glass/bowl full of water one M5x40mm grub screw and one M5 Nut. What you want to do is to grind down about 15mm of lenght from the screw down to a diameter below 2.3. My machined bits are down to 1.9 so you can also use it for regular nerf flywheels of the non H.I.R variant. This can easily be achieved by clamping the screw into the drill, set a rather low RPM and while spinning the screw with the Drill to push it against the bench grinder. Keep in mind that this will heat up the screw fast...and you don't want to get hurt, so dipp the tip in short intervalls into the water ;) After a minute or so of grinding, you should now have your very own modified screw to use in your Flywheel pusher! Now press the M5 Nut into your printed puller and you are ready to pop some Flywheels off....no need for a hammer anymore ;) I have added a few pictures that may help you along the way(you will have to grind away more though than what i did in my quick test), aswell as a quick drawing of the machined grub screw, should you want to machine and sell some of these pretty basic parts feel free to do so :) A little recognition would be nice though ;) Also you might want to check out my machined Perses Flywheels ;) https://www.etsy.com/listing/813962345/nerf-perses-flywheels?ref=shop_home_active_1






