Ender 3 Modular Electronics Enclosure
This is meant to be used with an enclosure. These prints allow you to move all your electronics and power supply to under the enclosure. I mounted all components to 1/2 in MDF but they could also be mounted to the top of another Lack table. The corner braces were designed around the Lack table enclosure. I have also included the Fusion 360 files which show how the prints can be used. This was designed to be modular so you can rearrange the parts or only use the ones you need. I used 5mm plywood to enclose the area. The double switches are meant to control the main printer power supply and a separate 5V power supply for a octopi. The 2 buck converters are for the Noctua fans mounted as part of the enclosure and the noctua I have mounted as my hot end fan. This design does require you to make your own cables.