Raspberry Pi Corner low profile Camera Mount for Mecreator 2

Raspberry Pi Corner low profile Camera Mount for Mecreator 2


Hi! I recently installed an Octoprint server and I really wanted to add one of the best feature : a Pi camera. Mine is Pi Camera Version 1.3. I was searching a camera mount and found the one from Philipp Schmitt (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2756726). The design was clever and enough integrated to be set inside my (closed) Mecreator2. I printed it through Octoprint (my 1st Octoprint print) and it rendered nicely. I set it as instructed and got the same problem as Ben Fisher(Benfish65): If I'm installing it, I'm loosing a few dozen millimeters. I was a little disapointed. The next day, I rechecked the problem and for me, it was clear: The idea is great but it should more compact and placed lower to keep the full build volume. The new specifications should be: - The build volume should be kept - The design should be as compact as possible - It should be less tilted - It should fit tightly enough to avoid too much woobling - It should be easily put in place and removed For my new model, I directly worked on it using Fusion 360. During this modeling session, I tested the mirroring function (it's always great to learn something new). The result: -> The build volume is kept, the holder should be mounted 1 or 2mm below the carriage level -> It's compact due to the fact that the tilt is only 2 degrees -> the 4 times 12mm magnets are keeping it steady and it's easy to set and remove -> I rounded the back corner Despite a bad start (I have got a bed levelling problem), the printed object was correct and everything went fine from the beginning to the end. The final result is over my expectations. It's mounting without any problem alongside my panels hooks. The view is not as fancy as a 45 degrees view but enough and correct to follow any print. Enjoy!



