Filament Rack Shelf Combo

Filament Rack Shelf Combo


This is a rack that holds your spools of filament AND a shelf above to put your prints, more rolls of filament, or whatever! It is also designed to look a bit stylish (if you are into tribal art), so that your workspace stays looking tidy. My Ender 3 wasn't quite big enough to print the whole bracket, so I split it into 2 pieces with a dovetail joint to slide the bottom piece of each side onto the top, but I have provided both the 1-piece and 2-piece versions here for convenience. To assemble, you will need: 2 - 3/4 inch dowels (it's a pretty snug fit) 1 - shelf (I bought a piece of black laminate shelving from Home Depot, but any board with a width between 8 and 12 inches should work fine) 12 - screws to mount to the wall and to the shelf (holes are countersunk and should work fine with 8s or 10s) I mounted mine so that it holds about 10 rolls of fillament (both 1k and 500g size spools work great), but you could put your brackets closer together or further apart. You could even print out additional brackets to use as "middle" supports as needed. Enjoy!






