Pill Box 14 Day

Pill Box 14 Day


After seeing a few of the pill boxes here on thingiverse, and trying a few, I decided to make my own design. The goal; make a pill box that was easy to get the pills out without spilling the ones for another day. My elderly relative was having problems getting the pills out of her 'store-bought' containers. The first design accomplished the goal - but had another problem. I found that she was not able to hold onto or turn the first few version due to physical limitations. I didn't realize how hard it is to do normal activity when physically challenged. (Kudos to all who keep going when things get tough! You are a great example and the true heroes). So I added the side tabs and the top knob. I believe I used one M5 X 20 screw, washer and nut on each. Do not over-tighten. Tighten just enough to keep the to from being too loose. Hope it helps someone else as much as my relative.






