Adjustable Raspberry Pi camera mount
This is an adjustable camer mount for the raspberry pi camera version 2. It is variable in every angle, hight adjustable and moves up and down with the x-axis. Cableclips are proivded and fitted for the boom to prevent cables from dangling around. #Materials# ##What you will need to copy my design:## 1x M3x50mm 1x M3x30mm 2x M3x15mm (Not needed for the version without height adjust) 1x M3x8mm 4x M3 Nut 1x M2x16mm 1x M2 Nut Optional: M3 washers to distribute the force more evenly. ##What you need to print the full version:## 1x Camera_boom (in your desired length), 1x Motor_attachment, 1x Height_rail 1x Bracket_extension, 1x Camera_turner, 1x Case_back_modified, 1x Case_front_under 3x Knob_for_nut, 3-6x Cableclip. ##Variant without heightadjust (Just mount the Camera_turner directly to the boom):## 1x Camera_boom (in your desired length), 1x Motor_attachment, 1x Camera_turner 1x Case_back_modified, 1x Case_front_under 1x Knob_for_nut, 3-6x Cableclip. Hope you enjoy my design and don't forget to share your make! **Information: The design for the camera case was made by @j0mb13 and published under the Creative Commons - Attribution - Share Alikelicense. I modified the Case_back and added a little cable clasp. The Case_front_under is copied directly. The other camera mount (Case_front_over) from his design is fitting as well, if you want to use the camera facing upwards. Link to the original design: <> **