Motorized Optical Mounts/Stages
This rotating mount (MK1) for transmissive optical elements, was designed during my master thesis project: <a href=""> "Development of Next-Generation Optical Tweezers"</a> and used in multiple motorized optical attenuator setups. It has since been further developed (MK3) and is now available for both transmissive (TM) and reflective (RM) elements. In a later paper: <a href="">"A Step-by-Step Guide to 3D Print Motorized RotationMounts for Optical Applications"</a>, I describe the manufacturing process for both mounts, as well as a suitable control unit. This DIY rotating mount for Ø1" optics uses commercially available components and 3D printed parts, allowing researchers to quickly and easily manufacture there own optomechanics and at an fraction of the cost of commercial systems. Please share your makes!