Buzz Bee Hunter Short Dart Mag Well

Buzz Bee Hunter Short Dart Mag Well


--The models include 2 different mag wells, one that can accept only katana mags, and one that can accept both katana and talon mags. However, I do not own any talon mags yet, so the mag release is only in the correct position for Katana mags. When I get a talon mag, I'll update the models. --The models include 2 different dart receivers, one for use with a 1/2 inches CPVC barrel, and one for use with 5/8ths inch polycarbonate tubing ( A 1.5 inch long piece of either barreling material you choose will be needed. --For the breech, the stock breech/ bolt assembly must be cut 2.48 inches from the side in which you would normally put the dart. --The breech will require a 11mm OD, 2mm thick o-ring --For the mag release, I used a piece of black foam as a spring.



