Apex Ultimate Accelerant/ Teammate banner card
This is a model of the banner ID collection device which is the same as the ultimate accelerant charge device used in Apex Legends. Still a WIP, and I'm not sure how printable this is as of yet. It's as accurate of a model as I could manage, with everything in approx scale in relation to one another. The overall dimensions were guessed, and this was designed based off concept art, so there's about 4 round dimensions on the whole thing. The idea was to make a photo holder of sorts, so there is a backing plate with a .5mm gap for a photo to sit in. As it hasn't yet been printed, I'm not certain how well this will work out as the fixing method is somewhat poor. The larger countersunk bolt holes are for m3 torx button screws with a head diameter of 5.7mm and a head height of 1.65mm (causes a slight raise of the bolt from the surface of the model as seen in game). The smaller dowel holes are all 2mm diameter.