CellPhone support
This cellphone support was made by me for my teachers to gave their classes in this ' quarentine semester".IT DOESNT NEED SUPPORT MATERIAL. UPDATE: After selling a bunch of the supports, and a lot of new modifications, the cellphone support is now back, helping you guys in this quarentine times. I'm uploading 3 versions, the one with the locking mechanism in the images, another two other with an locking mechanism with more possible positions, where one of those have an optimized shape . Printed in PLA, with 15% infill. Only the screws were printed solid . The files are organized inside the .rar file. Hope you like it, and if so, give me a little retribution in my patreon page https://www.patreon.com/DiegoVeloso , and if you're from Brazil, you can help me in my PicPay account diego.veloso.15 . Enjoy it :)