Beastmaker 2000 - Spacer/Inserts (3MM, 5MM & 8MM) **Prototype

Beastmaker 2000 - Spacer/Inserts (3MM, 5MM & 8MM) **Prototype


Hello, Thingverse and Climbing community. Attached you will find a prototype of design for inserts for a hangboard called the Beastmaker 2000. These generally fit in the pockets numbered 3 & 8. Refer to the link below for pocket number and locations: I haven't tested these out for the Beastmaker 1000 but would like your feedback if it does or doesn't work on it. Do note, this is a prototype and I will be developing something more detailed and thought out in the near future since this design took me less than a day to do. But do not worry, these still work, and I've used it a couple of times on my own person hangboard. Each of the inserts has a small lip on top for you to fish the piece out of your hangboard and if you don't have nails and cut them short for climbing purposes, no worries, the 3MM insert is slim enough to fish it out. The design is free for the taking and if you plan to make a remix or an off brand of it, go for it. As long as I can get some credit for sparking the idea thats all that matters to me. Please let me know if you have any further questions, concerns, or require a different file format. If you have any feedback and/or suggestions on improvements all is welcomed! Thank you for your support and consideration.






