5.5W Laser Mount CR10 / CR10S / Ender 3 (no interference!)
This A) does not interfere with the print, B) does not interfere w/ homing for 3d printing C) works for my "5.5W" Chinese laser. **UPDATE June 11, 2020**: Added "Keith's Laser Mount Tweaked" which * increased size of magnet holes to 13.4mm to also accommodate 1/2" magnets (still works with 12mm as the epoxy will hold and fill around the sides) * fixed positioning of countersink for top screw * raised screw holes a bit to provide more clearance between print & laser *Affiliate links: * Uses 2x 12mm magnets http://kturl.com/12x3 * to stay secure. * Laser bought from this 3018 Pro CNC kit (http://kturl.com/cnclaser)* where I dedicated the CNC for wood and put the laser on the CR10S. **HERE's the full HOW-TO**: https://www.keithstestgarage.com/2020/05/30/how-i-hooked-up-a-laser-to-my-cr-10s-3d-printer/ This relies on the holes being 40mm on center, But I think that's the case for most of these lasers. Secure w/ Epoxy. Screw holes fit M3 screws. (http://kturl.com/m3screws)* Elephant's foot will need to be drilled out. . . *affiliate link.