E3DV6 J-head Creality mount and shroud

E3DV6 J-head Creality mount and shroud


This design is for EASY access to the hot-end. I was tired of removing tons of junk to get the tip off. Also, I realized I could compress everything to a much smaller package. I have so many hours drawing and printing resulted in a completed hot end and fan mounts. The screw holes are undersized, so you will have to drill them out. For a 3mm screw to thread into the plastic without a tap, drill it out to .098" (3mm), 7/64".. Drill slowly! If it gets hot, you will regret it. You cant go wrong by lubing the screws. Dupont Snow and Ice Teflon spray for snowblowers is the best damn lube for anything PLA!! Drill out the fan shroud and mounting cap hole to greater than 3mm (1/8" works). I got away with not using any hardware for the squirrel fan mounts because it was such a tight fit. You may have to trim some plastic for a better fit, depending on your brand(real, or knockoff E3DV6(mine was fake from China)).



